Wood Wide Web –
Symbiosis between trees
and mushrooms

Course: Exhibition Design /
Team: Anton Wendel, Laura Meloni, Sören Weinstein
Tools: Arduino, Illustrator, Madmapper, Indesign
3. Semester (2021/2022), HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd


The given topic of the course was about the symbiosis between trees and fungi; we called it Wood Wide Web.

Our exhibition project unifies complex issues, such as the underground communication and network between trees and fungus or the exchange of nutrients. The communication between tree and fungus works silently and invisibly, f.e. with smells.
In order to present these unusual and alien processes as vividly as possible we integrated the tree itself as the basis of symbiosis.
On an table, in the octagonal shape of the information carrier, we explain the communication between trees and fungi – similar line-shaped like the data exchange on the Internet.
