Early Summer –
Ryo Fukui

Course: Audiovisual Design /
Team: Anton Wendel, Lucie de Hair, Luis Schatton
Tools: p5.js Soundlibary, Three.js, Blender,
Html/CSS, Indesign
3. Semester (2021/2022), HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd

3-D Audiovisual generative design and editorial design

The Japanese free-jazz piece
Early Summer, written by Ryo Fukui in 1976 makes you sink into another world. We chose this piece of music to do our research on the audiovisual realization in colors, shapes and movement.

In the creative process we found the basis for a tool with which any piece of music can be visualized and didactically taken apart.
The notes that are arranged as balls in a spatial deform, they become entangled with the sound.

The background changes the saturation depending on the pitch or depth. The visualized parameters are not dependent on individual instruments or tones but can be calibrated to every new piece of music.

A detailed documentation in Japanese binding describes the process and the approach.
